
House Appropriations Committee Cuts SRF Appropriations for FY 2012

On July 12, the House Appropriations Committee approved its Interior & Environment Appropriations legislation, which includes dollar allocations for fiscal 2012. Following on April鈥檚 fiscal 2011 budget agreement, the Environmental Protection Agency鈥檚 State Revolving Fund programs were again a major target. The whole agency saw a $1.53 billion, or 18 percent cut, from current spending and much of that would come at the expense of clean water programs. The bill would fund the Clean Water SRF at $689 million, down from $1.5 billion in FY2011 and $2.1 billion in FY10. The Drinking Water SRF would be funded at $829 million, down from $965 million in FY2011 and $1.4 billion in FY2010. Total cuts to the SRF programs would be $967 million from FY2011 numbers, bringing the SRFs back to FY2008 levels. Now that the full Committee has approved the legislation, it moves to the full House for consideration and amendments.

For more information, please contact Scott Berry at (703) 837-5321 or