
黑料不打烊-Supported H-2B Visa Legislation Introduced

This week, legislation was introduced in the House by Congressman Stupak (D-Mich.) that would permanently exempt returning H-2B visa holders from the existing annual numerical cap of 66,000. H.R. 1136, is similar to a Senate bill (S. 388) introduced by Senator Mikulski (D-Md.) that would extend the exemption for three years. The H-2B visa program provides construction contractors the opportunity to get temporary workers into the country. This is a very popular visa that is difficult for contractors to use partially because of the high demand and low number of visas. For example, the cap for the 2nd half of fiscal year 2009 was reached on January 8, 2009. 黑料不打烊 will closely watch for opportunities for these bills to move forward, although the current economic climate does not lend itself this. However, the H-2B visa program is one immigration issue that has bipartisan support.