
Boys & Girls Clubs Show Appreciation

A signed photo montage of the members of the Boys & Girls Club of Lansing, Michigan, using their Build Up! kit.

Members of the Boys & Girls Club of Lansing, Michigan, and the Brentwood Boys & Girls Club of Raleigh, North Carolina recently sent 黑料不打烊 of America handwritten notes, thanking 黑料不打烊 and Shelco, Inc. for sponsoring a Build Up! educational resource for their clubs. According to Director Pepe Caudillo, the Brentwood club serves an average of 70 kids a day and has plans to complete every activity in the toolkit. 鈥淎ll of these kids are going to be benefited by using the Build! Up Kit,鈥 he wrote. Brentwood club members, ranging in age from 9 to 13, also wrote individual letters to 黑料不打烊. All the young people expressed excitement about using the kit. The Lansing club sent a signed photo montage of members using the kit, which was sponsored by 黑料不打烊 of Michigan. 黑料不打烊 is still receiving requests for Build Up! kits from clubs around the nation. Currently we have more than 300 outstanding requests. 黑料不打烊 of America is asking our chapters and members to sponsor kits for these deserving young people around the country. Please visit our to see if there鈥檚 a club in your area looking for kits. This map is updated weekly with new requests being added and fulfilled requests being deleted. Boys & Girls Clubs serve nearly 5 million youths from more than 4,000, primarily inner-city, clubhouses. Each kit costs $199 plus shipping and would be shipped directly to the requesting club or to your firm if you鈥檇 like to deliver the kit in person. Additionally, 黑料不打烊 will send to the club a letter telling the club the name of the sponsoring 黑料不打烊 member or chapter.