
Speaker Pelosi Renews Call for New Stimulus Bill

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) on November 5 urged enactment of the $61 billion economic recovery package the House passed in September, which would have provided $30 billion in supplemental appropriations for many federal construction programs, when Congress reconvenes聽 the week of November 17.聽聽 The bill failed when the Senate was unable to pass a similar measure.聽 She did add, however, that the final passage of such legislation depends on cooperation from Senate Republicans and President Bush. 黑料不打烊 continues to press Congress to enact an economic recovery package with infrastructure investment as soon as possible to prevent further job losses in the industry and to create additional job opportunities for contractors and their workers. Earlier last month, Speaker Pelosi instructed all Democratic Congressional Leaders to hold hearings on the necessity and effectiveness of an economic recovery package that would include a substantial infrastructure investment component.聽 The Speaker has also indicated that Congress may consider another economic recovery package with a larger infrastructure component when the new Congress convenes next year.