
House Passes Continuing Resolution to Keep Federal Programs Funded

By a vote of 372-56, the House of Representatives today passed a continuing resolution (CR) to provide partial funds for Fiscal Year 2009 for those federal programs for which a free standing appropriations bill had not been passed, including the Department of Transportation. Fiscal Year 2009 begins on October 1, 2008 and the CR provides funds from then through March 6, 2009. Under the terms of the CR, programs will be funded at their FY 2008 level. For the Federal-aid highway program the FY 2008 funding level is $41.216 billion which included $1 billion above the SAFETEA-LU authorized level for a bridge repair initiative. It is anticipated that the additional $1 billion will not be included in this CR鈥檚 partial funding and therefore the highway program will receive a prorated share of $40.2 billion through March 6. SAFETEA-LU authorizes $41. 2 billion for the highway program in FY 2009. When the new Congress takes over in January it will be necessary to pass an additional appropriations measure to fund government programs for the remainder of the fiscal year and at that time could restore the full SAFTEA-LU funding. The transit program receives a prorated share of $9.4 billion. The Highway Trust Fund fix, which was enacted on September 15, ensures that the revenue is available to fund these appropriated levels for the highway and transit programs. Congress is scheduled to adjourn by the end of the week and passage of a CR is necessary to keep government agencies running. The Senate is expected to pass the CR as soon as it is sent over from the House.